Apistogramma Nijsseni Care Guide
Apistogramma Nijsseni thrive in warm slightly acidic water and in the aquarium display a range of behaviors from hiding in vegetation to exploring open spaces.

Best Foods For Apistogrammas
Live foods such as brine shrimp, mosquito lava and occasional blood worms are the best options for feeding your Apistogramma. If live foods are not available frozen foods or high quality pallets are the next best option.

German Blue Ram Complete Care And Breeding Guide
German Blue Ram's dynamic colours and engaging behaviours make them a great addition to aquariums.

Apistogramma Macmasteri Care And Breeding Guide
Apistogramma Macmasteri's dynamic colours and engaging behaviours make them a great addition to aquariums.

Java Moss - The Ultimate Care Guide
Java Moss is one of the easiest aquatic plants to grow and is a great plant for those getting started with live aquarium plants.

Apistogramma Agassizii Care Guide
Apistogramma Agassizii (aka Agassizi's Dwarf Cichlid) have great personalities and are inquisitive fish that show an interest in what is going on around them. Their stunning and distinctive looks make them a great addition to community aquariums.

Apistogramma Trifasciata Care Guide
Apistogramma Trifasciata dwarf cichlid (also known as the Three striped Apisto) are a striking species with the males being mainly blue and having a distinctive "spiky" dorsal fin.

Rummy Nose Tetra - Care, Tank Mates and Breeding Guide
The Rummy Nose Tetra is popular amongst aquarists and for good reason, they have fantastic distinctive colours, are good schooling fish and make a great addition to community tanks.

Apistogramma Cacatuoides Care Guide
Apistogramma Cacatuoides are one of the most popular Apistogrammas species in the aquarium hobby, they are available in striking colour variants and have great personalities.

Apistogramma Aggression And How To Reduce It
Although Apistogramma dwarf cichlids are relatively peaceful they are from the cichlid family and can be aggressive at times.

Dwarf Pencilfish (Nannostomus Marginatus) Care Guide
Dwarf Pencilfish (Nannostomus Marginatus) are a unique and underrated fish which occupy the top region of the aquarium and can be a great addition to community tanks.

Apistogramma Borellii Care Guide
Apistogramma Borellii (also known as the Umbrella Dwarf Cichlid) are one of the smaller Apistogramma species. Borellii also tolerate cooler water temperatures compared to other Apistogramma species. These unique characteristics make Apistogramma Borellii an appealing fish to keep in our aquariums.

Apistogramma Tank Mates For Community Aquariums
Selecting suitable tank mates for your Apistogramma is important to ensure they all get along. Fortunately there are lots of good options and following some simple considerations will help you choose the best tank mates for your Apistogramma.

Best Foods For Raising Fish Fry (Baby Fish)
Live foods are the best option for feeding fry (baby fish). There are several nutritious live foods you can feed fry. Which live food is best mainly depends on the size of the fry and which foods they are able to eat at that point in their development.

DIY Aquarium Spray Bar
This guide will show you how easy it is to make your own aquarium spray bar and highlights some things to consider when building your DIY spray bar.

DIY PVC Aquarium Caves
Do it Yourself (DIY) PVC aquarium caves are easy to make and are an inexpensive way to add caves to your aquarium. Making caves yourself allows you to customise them to your liking. With PVC aquarium caves it is easy to make caves of different shapes, sizes, colour and appearance.

How To Culture Infusoria - a great tiny fry food!
Infusoria are microscopic aquatic organisms and make a great first food for tiny fish fry - the best part is Infusoria are easy and inexpensive to culture.

How To Culture Live Microworms Without A Starter
Live microworms are a great live food source for your fish and fry. This guide shows you how to start a live microworm culture without a starter.

What Is The Best Apistogramma For Beginners?
If you want to start keeping Apistogramma dwarf cichlids and wondering what is the best Apistogramma for beginners this articles expains which Apistogramma is best for beginners and why

Bolivian Ram Dwarf Cichlid Care Guide
Bolivian Rams are a peaceful dwarf cichlid, their elongated fins with red highlights are stunning and look fantastic in a home aquarium.

Spawning Mops - What Are They And How To Make Them
Spawning Mops are easy and simple to make and handy to have when trying to spawn and raise egg scattering fish

All About Matten Filters Including How To Make One
Matten Filters are popular due to there simplicity, effectiveness and how easy they are to make. Like all aquarium filters the Matten Filters purpose is to filter aquarium water.

Ember Tetra - A Bright Peaceful Nano Fish
Ember tetras are a bright orange and peaceful nano fish which can make a great addition to your aquarium. They are inquisitive and usually occupy the middle region of the tank and enjoy swimming among plants.

Apistogramma Dwarf Cichlid - The Ultimate Care Guide
Apistogramma Dwarf Cichlids are interesting and colourful fish with great personalities which is why many people enjoy keeping them in their aquariums. This Apistogramma Dwarf Cichlids care guide will help you to successfully keep these wonderful fish.

How To Breed Apistogramma Agassizii
Breeding Apistogramma Agassizii is quite achievable, in this guide I share with you my tips to successfully breed Apistogramma Agassizii. Most of this information is also be applicable to breeding other Apistogramma species.